Iron Maiden, Queen, Black Sabbath e Ozzy homenageiam Dio


Desde domingo, praticamente todo mundo relacionado ao mundo da música está divulgando declarações homenageando o Dio. Também pudera. Existe alguém nesse mundo que não goste dele? Ele não só era um dos melhores cantores de Metal, mas com certeza era o mais querido.

Dessa forma, não vou publicar tudo aqui, pois a maioria é repetitiva e só repete o que todo mundo já sabe (como ele cantava bem, como era gentil, e demais etcs).

Porém, algumas declarações me chamaram a atenção, e vou colocá-las aqui. Todas na versão original, afinal, sentimento não se traduz. Vamos lá:

Iron Maiden: Essa me chamou a atenção porque nunca vi o Maiden se manifestar a respeito da morte de alguém nem sobre qualquer outro assunto que não seja a própria música deles.

“It is with huge sadness we hear that Ronnie has lost his battle against stomach cancer, and our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Wendy and family at this terrible time.

“From his earlier years in ELF, BLACK SABBATH and DIO, right through to his most recent days fronting HEAVEN & HELL, Ronnie, time and again, proved his genius as a frontman, always giving his all to his fans and his music.

“Ronnie was not only an incredibly gifted singer but also a wonderfully warm, intelligent and generous person and this shone through both on and off stage leaving a positive mark on everyone he came into contact with. A longstanding friend of MAIDEN, we played many shows together over the years and we will all miss him greatly.

“The world has lost an irreplaceable talent and, first and foremost, one of the finest human beings you could ever wish to meet.”

Tony Iommi: companheiro do Dio no Black Sabbath e Heaven & Hell.

“Yesterday 16th May my dear, dear friend Ronnie James Dio passed away at 7.45am L.A. time.

“I’ve been in total shock; I just can’t believe he’s gone.

“Ronnie was one of the nicest people you could ever meet. We had some fantastic times together.

“Ronnie loved what he did, making music and performing on stage. He loved his fans so much. He was a kind man and would put himself out to help others.

“I can honestly say it’s truly been an honor to play at his side for all these years.

“His music will live on forever.

“Our thoughts are with Wendy Dio [Ronnie’s wife/manager] who stood by Ronnie until the end. He loved her very much.

“The man with the magic voice is a star amongst stars, a true professional.

“I’ll miss you so much, my dear friend.”

Ozzy Osbourne, no Twitter:

“Rest in Peace Ronnie”

Brian May, do Queen:

“It’s a shock to hear that Ronnie has gone. Even though we had all known he was battling with cancer for some time, he was such a wiry fighter, and of such an amazingly optimistic nature, I think I assumed he would go on forever.

Well, he fought to the very end … was gearing up to go back out on tour … I know this will be a very hard blow for my friend Tony Iommi. When I last saw Ronnie in Los Angeles, he was as full of life and positivity as anybody I’ve ever known … and sang up a storm with Heaven and Hell in the Universal Amphitheatre. In my opinion, Ronnie was one of the creators of the genre of Heavy Metal. I’m not an expert on his work – there are many people much more knowledgeable than me … but our paths crossed many times over the years, and I had clear glimpses of his unique spirit and personality. He was in many ways the antithesis of the current mould of TV-bred singers. He had no apparent desire for fame, in the sense that so many X-factor contestants seem to. He was not a TV face, a ‘celebrity’. He just loved doing what he did. So, to his millions of fans, there was an unquestionable feeling of reality to his persona, his song-writing, and his performances. His lyric-writing was very distinctive, and set a style in Heavy Metal which has influenced many bands over the years. To me, it was as if his mind operated in layers – on the surface, a hard-working honest singer, with a great humanity and strong sense of humour – and underneath, in the world of his songs, his subconscious seemed to be populated by hobgoblins of all kinds, and palpable evil forever on the march. His lyrics, dark and mysterious, in tune with the Metal ethos, always represented the sword of goodness in triumph over evil. I don’t know if he invented the Devil-Horn Salute, but he was certainly the man who, more than ever, made it a universal symbol, a world wide salute of Metal. He was universally loved in the community of Rock Music, and will be sorely missed.

Check him out live here, singing the song which epitomised the branch of Black Sabbath which was Dio – Heaven and Hell.

RIP Ronnie.


Henry Rollins, ex-Black Flag: Esse foi o que mais me chamou a atenção, já que o cara faz parte do mundo Punk. Prova de que Dio é tão tremendão que até os Punks gostam dele.

“Backstage at the venue [in Brandon, South Dakota during Rollins’ spoken-word tour]. Listening to RAINBOW, tonight’s walk-in CD is burning away in my laptop. All Dio all night.

“Ronnie James Dio, the great vocalist of ELF, RAINBOW, BLACK SABBATH, DIO and HEAVEN & HELL passed away [Sunday] morning.

“What a loss.

“I have been getting mail all afternoon about it.

“[Saturday night], there was an Internet rumor of his passing and it was great to hear that it wasn’t true. I came back from the gym a few hours ago and Angel, our merch man, told me that it was indeed true.

“What a voice, what a loss.

“Dio’s passing made me think of my old bandmates in BLACK FLAG as we used to listen to those records quite a bit.

“Damn, at least he left some amazing records behind.

“The metal world is stunned, I am sure.

“Ronnie James Dio, one of the greatest singers ever.”